Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 70 and random thoughts

Day 70 is done and I'm halfway through TurboFire! Rock on. I'm down 11 lbs and 8.75 inches. For all my frustration about the scale not moving, I averaged more than a lb lost each week. I'm hoping to lose a bit quicker for the next 10 weeks, but I'm pleased with my progress so far. I feel like I'm accomplishing something too.

If I watch a morning show, it's the Today show. Al Roker irritates me to no end, but it's still the show I prefer. Then Ellen comes on and I think she's hilarious. This morning it went back to Today with Kathie Lee and Hoda. They annoy me even more than Al Roker and I don't care a bit what they think about anything. But today they were discussing women's numbers (age and weight) and how much women avoid telling their numbers. So they revealed theirs. I was curious and it was a good topic so I watched it. Hoda is 46 and 5'9". She winced as she revealed her weight as 146. Are you KIDDING me? I'm 27 and 5'4" and I'd be thrilled to be that weight right now. Then there's Kathie Lee. She's 57 (I seriously didn't realize she was that old) and 129. She was whining about how she now weighs more than she did at 9 months pregnant with her son Cody. Seriously?! I googled her height and she's 5'6". I'm two inches shorter and the last time I weighed that little I was 17 and still in high school. She then sneered at the camera and said, "I hope that makes you feel better at home." Both women have BMIs of 20-21, the middle of the healthy range. The two of them cringing as their reveal their healthy weights is supposed to make other women feel better? I'm nearly 20 years younger and a few inches shorter and they made me feel like I'm fat and should be ashamed of it. If they'd proudly revealed their weight I think I'd feel differently. What sort of example are they trying to set? Someone near 50 and over should be proud of a weight in the healthy range, not embarrassed. I think the way they acted completely contradicted the point of the show.

Btw, for my BMI to be around what theirs are, the number they were embarrassed to reveal, I'd need to weigh about 125. I weighed that for about 2 seconds in high school after a weekend of being sick and dehydrated. That's a 50 lb loss from what I currently weigh. Stupid women. If they wanted to make women feel better about themselves, they failed. Big time. (Just for the record, I don't feel fat. I weigh more than I should but I'm working on that daily and I'm proud of my efforts and progress. I was more upset that they were spreading this on national TV when their point was to do the opposite. I want to help women feel better about who they are and improve their bodies and health.)

Friday, September 10, 2010

No longer obese!!!

I stepped on the scale today and was shocked to see 174.6! At my height, BMI indicates 175.0 and above is obese. Anything below it and above 145.1 is overweight. So as of today I am no longer obese and merely overweight, lol.

I hate the BMI. I don't think it's accurate for everyone. Now, I'm big right now. I mean, I AM in a size 15. So yes, I am overweight. But obese? Really? I chose to ignore that label, especially since I was actively working on changing it. But I think I'm starting to look pretty good. I'm not the size or weight I'd like to be, but for the weight and size I am, my shape is nice. Personally I think the BMI is outdated. For the women in my family, it doesn't seem accurate either. One of my sisters is 22 and a newlywed. She's always been in good shape. She currently weighs slightly more than is normal for her but she still has an amazing figure and wears a 5/6. According to BMI, she's overweight. That's crap. At my happy, healthy weight last summer, I was still right on the edge of being overweight. And I was the thinnest I've been in my adult life. We inherited good muscle tone and gain muscle easily. We're muscular, not overweight. (Well, I'M currently overweight, but she's not and I don't consider myself overweight at 145 and wearing a size 8.) And excuse me, BMI, 108 would not look remotely healthy on me or my sister. It wouldn't look healthy on our other sister who is two inches shorter either.

Regardless of my feelings about BMI, a number below 175 is a nice milestone. Yay for progress! :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Not the natural athlete

I never liked PE. I was the kid who missed the ball in kickball. Got the glasses knocked off my face in dodgeball. Got hit in the head with the football. If it's a sport with a ball, I am a total klutz. I once broke my knuckle playing kickball. Seriously. It's that bad. I may have an athletic build, but a natural athlete I am not.

I'm working out regularly and I'm getting back into good shape. I'm proud of that and my growing muscles. I'm starting to feel like an athlete. But I still don't like sports, lol. This past weekend, Dad, Steve, Reid, and Donovan played volleyball. They tried to get me to play. I refused. I sat on the edge of the court and supervised Ella and Chloe. I enjoyed it. I don't feel like I'm missing out by sitting on the sidelines of sports games. My exercise has widened what I'm physically able to do and I love that. But it definitely hasn't improved my skill with a ball or my willingness to play a sport. Yet. Maybe next summer... Exercise DOES improve self-confidence. ;)