Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Turbo Kick Training!

I did it. I faced down my fears, drove to Ohio, rocked it, and now I'm waiting for my certificate of completion. I did it!

I barely slept the night before. My brain wouldn't stop running. I got up early, got ready, and left the house shortly after 7am. I hit Tim Horton's for coffee and breakfast and went on my way. It was about an hour and a half drive. I got there right on time and found the right room. There were 54 of us, which I guess is huge. It started with some info, then we worked on correct form and technique. Then veteran TK instructors came in and we learned Round 42. The energy in the room was awesome. And Liza Jane (friend of Jenelle Summers) high-fived me! I'm a dork, but that was so cool.

After that we broke for lunch. I changed (I was so sweaty!) and got Subway. Then we went over more info for the written test. Then we reviewed sections of the round and taught them to the rest of the group. Then we did the different kicks and punches (the practical exam) and then the written test. The end. The testing was easier than I expected and I'm confident I did well. And we weren't tested on teaching or cuing at all. Then I changed, bought food and coffee, and drove back home. It was a long day but I'm so glad I did it. Oh, and I burned 2368 calories. And my HRM blinked out for a bit too, so it missed part of the workout (drenched in sweat I think).

I can't start teaching until my certificate of completion comes in 4-6 weeks, but I need to learn the steps and cuing anyhow. I have 11 rounds, but I'll just work on Round 42 for now. ;) It feels hard right now but I think there's just a steep learning curve starting out with anything. I'll get it and it will be great. I'm trying to get my other ducks in a row too (a place to teach, insurance, info on other certifications, etc.). In some ways it feels like Sunday must have been the easy part. So wish me luck! I still have a lot of work ahead of me!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


It feels like things are gaining speed. Fit Club was smaller this week, me and four other people, but that's okay. I think numbers will wax and wane depending on people's schedules. One person was traveling for work, another needed that night at home, one had tutoring, two had a meeting, another needed to stay with the kids because her husband had a meeting, and a few had plans because it was St. Patrick's Day. I figure there will be a few regulars and others who come when they can. People seem to enjoy it and I know it's helping them physically, so I'm doing good. :) I took a vote and we're sticking with Cardio Party 1 next week. The steps can be a little tricky when you're new to Turbo Jam so staying with the same routine for a few weeks will help the group with mastery. The more they get it, the more energy they put in, the more calories they burn, the better their form gets, the more fun it is, the more confident they get. So we'll stick with CP1.

My Turbo Kick training is TOMORROW. I'm nervous and excited and so very much on edge. I'm doing laundry, I have my directions ready to go, I have a packing list, I know what I'm doing for breakfast, etc etc. I can DO this. And I will be great. All week when I've been nervous, I've told myself I am a rockstar. It's helping. :) And because my natural bent is to over-prepare when I'm nervous, I started packing Tuesday and a packing list on Thursday. My directions have been printed out for over a week and I made sure I have good copies of the maps earlier this week.

I think I'll continue doing Fit Club for a few weeks before switching over to teaching Turbo Kick. I need to find a location to teach (the church is a possibility and the pastor is looking into it for me) and work out those logistics, get insurance, and practice the round. I may do a practice class with a few select people to get my sea legs. I'm networking with a few local instructors for tips and possible teaching locations. I'm really doing this. I have pictured myself teaching a class in the past, but it was more the way that I pictured myself giving a concert (I can't sing or play an instrument) or acting in a movie (other than a few church things and class projects, I've never acted). This is happening. I'm doing this. I'm facing down my fears with the belief that I will be better, stronger, more confident, and living my dreams on the other side. So yes, I am nervous, but I believe I can do this. I AM doing this. :) Wish me luck!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Fit Club!

I need to update! I'm finally better. I still have some drainage and a slight cough, but am much-improved from my last update. I've been successfully maintaining, through a wedding and weekend away, dinners out, being sick. I'm doing this. Rock on. :)
We've had Fit Club twice. The first night we had 12 people. It went well and people were definitely interested in coming back. The second night we had 9 people and 5 were new. I think we'll end up with a few regulars and then some people who come when it fits their schedule, which is awesome in my opinion. I'm pleased with the turn out. One person even ordered Turbo Jam from me so she could do it more than once a week. Yay!
The Turbo Kick training is next Sunday - only 8 days away! I'm both excited and nervous. I believe I can do it, but the actual doing it scares me a little. I'm still trying to figure out where I'll teach I'm certified. It sounds like I may actually be able to teach at the church. I need to talk to the pastors about it to be sure. I just have a few concerns about that. Most gyms would have a sound system in place, with a mic to use. They would also have a mirror at the front of the room. Starting out, most instructors face the front of the room and have the class follow their movements from behind them. More advanced instructors are able to cue but do the reverse, mirroring the class. I'm not sure about doing that yet. So a mirror would be incredibly useful, because I could still see the class. Which brings me to the next issue: my volume. I'm not a loud person. Facing away from the class would exacerbate that issue. But a mic would easily solve it. The church doesn't have a mirror or sound system in the basement. I'm checking out locations in the area. One location is in Spring Arbor, which would be a bit of a drive, and I'm not sure she would be willing to rent out the space or if I could afford it if she does. She teaches Jazzercise so I went this morning, figuring she'd probably be more willing to consider renting to me if I support her class. It was a better workout than I thought it would be. But there were jazz hands! As it turns out, my parents may know her husband and she knows both my husband and my in-laws. We're now FB friends and she's willing to answer some questions I have (regarding insurance and certifications). I'll work up to asking about renting. Depending on how things turn out, maybe I'll do one night a week there and one night a week at the church. We'll see.
As mentioned, I also need to figure out insurance, liability waivers, and other certifications. I'm chipping away at those things. Baby steps, but it's progress. Moving forward, baby! Wish me luck!